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This offer gives members of The Nook Yoga community an opportunity to experience a discounted introductory treatment in the John F Barnes Myofascial Release (MFR) bodywork approach from Tim Richardson at Pressure Sensitive, who also has a room adjacent to The Nook in Tewkesbury.


For nearly 60 years the American physical therapist John F Barnes has been the world-leading pioneer of this therapeutic approach.  MFR works in the continuous 3D matrix of collaginous tissue within which all other bodily structures and systems are encased - our Fascia.  When fascia is subject to trauma, whether through physical injury or due to emotional or psychological  stresses, it will slowly tighten and distort forming restrictions which can exert crushing pressures on the other bodily structures within it.  This in turn can lead to many common ailments such as postural imbalance, movement restrictions, high blood pressure, chronic pain syndromes, neurological conditions, anxiety, IBS, migraines, poor nutritional uptake etc.


Tim has made several trips to the USA to train with John and his team directly, including last November a week's placement in John Barnes' renowned Myofascial Treatment Centre in Malvern, Pennsylvania, working alongside some of the best MFR therapists in the world.


During this 60 minute session you will get:

  • A Postural alignment checkup
  • A brief discussion of medical history
  • Plenty of time to receive this gentle but powerful work and raise your awareness of how it might help you or a family member

The Nook - Intro to MFR Offer Spring 2024

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